2022/2023 KU Leuven Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships Programme

KU Leuven is pleased to announce to exceptional scholars from institutions in the Global South to apply for the KU Leuven Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships 2022/23 aimed at supporting the ideal candidate to conduct 4 years of PhD research.
The scholarships are offered to excellent proposals that deal with a development-relevant research topic, preferably linked to one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Eligibility Criteria for KU Leuven Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships 2022
To be considered for the Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships, applicants are to meet the following requirements:
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- Applicants must citizens of one of the countries included in the list.
- The candidate’s latest master’s degree must have been awarded no more than ten years prior to 1 October 2022.
- The research project must be of excellent academic quality, with a special focus on the development relevance of the proposal.
- The research project must have a clear time frame indicating how the research periods at KU Leuven and at the home institution will alternate.
- The candidate must be formally affiliated with a university in the home country.
Scholarship Benefits
- Full tuition fee waiver
- 100% of the net salary of an assistant (approx.. 2199 euro/month)
- Four return tickets in economy class.
- Belgian social security coverage
- Health, professional and accident insurance
- Supervision allowance
The application deadline to apply for 2022/2023 KU Leuven Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships Programme is April 29th, 2022.
How To Apply
Interested applicants for the KU Leuven Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships 2022 are to follow the 2-step application procedures. First, the candidate should obtain admission to a doctoral or predoctoral programme. Secondly, once this admission has been obtained, the candidate can apply for the KU Leuven Global Minds Doctoral Scholarship.
Applications are submitted using a digital application form.
Required Documents:
- The candidate’s CV, utilising the Europass format
- The candidate’s bibliography, utilising this form
- The local co-promoter’s CV
- The research proposal (6 pages at the most)
- Motivation Letter
- Two recommendation letters by external, relevant referees.
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