2022 Youth Hub Seed Grant Programme (up to USD 10,000)

IAS – the International AIDS Society – invites young leaders to submit a proposal requesting up to USD 10,000 to implement a six-month innovation project (from 1 January to 30 June 2023) that addresses a need in the HIV response for young people living with and affected by HIV.
Youth Hub Seed Grant Programme
IAS – the International AIDS Society – invites young leaders to submit a proposal requesting up to USD 10,000 to implement a six-month innovation project (from 1 January to 30 June 2023) that addresses a need in the HIV response for young people living with and affected by HIV.
About the programme
The IAS awards seed grant funding to youth-led collaborative projects born through the IAS Youth Hub Co-Lab. The Youth Hub Seed Grant Programme provides financial and project support for IAS Young Leaders to implement, grow and showcase unique initiatives that respond to the priorities of young people. Young Leaders are mentored in grant reporting, monitoring and evaluation, and communications.
Grant details
The IAS will support a new cohort of five Young Leaders with seed grants to scale up HIV-related innovation projects that respond to a locally defined need. Each Young Leader must be affiliated with and logistically supported by an organization working in HIV and/or sexual and reproductive health and rights or related areas.
Grant administration will be delegated to the host organization. The host organization will be responsible for mentoring the Young Leader and supporting them to build capacity in monitoring and evaluation, report writing and communications. The funding is inclusive of all proposed activities and any contribution to the honorarium or salary paid to the Young Leader(s). Selected Young Leaders will be awarded:
• Up to USD 10,000 as a seed grant to implement and/or scale up an HIV-related innovative project over a period of six months (1 January to 30 June 2023)
• Capacity building in monitoring and evaluation, reporting, communications, and networking opportunities
• Travel to IAS 2023, the 12th IAS Conference on HIV Science, in Brisbane, Australia – pending funding
• Inclusion in the IAS 2023 Young Leaders Programme – pending funding
Eligibility criteria
The Young Leader must:
Join any of these WhatsApp Groups to receive more scholarships and other opportunities
For chats, help and support, Join our Telegram Community.
• Be connected to an organization that is willing and able to provide mentorship and logistical support for the proposed Young Leader’s project
• Be between 18 and 30 years old (and ideally under 25)
• Agree to be featured in IAS digital media (see examples)
• Be willing to attend IAS 2023 from 23 to 26 July 2023 – pending funding
The host organization must:
• Be willing to undergo eligibility checks with the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) – information below
• Be willing to actively mentor the Young Leader
• Be willing to logistically support its Young Leader in the day-to-day aspects of the implementation of their innovation project
• Be able and willing to report and communicate with the IAS in English
Proposal submission details
Completed proposals must include:
- A completed application form
- A concept note (maximum two pages) detailing the overall goal of the project, activities, budget, timelines and deliverables that the funding will support. The concept note should identify the specific problem that will be addressed, the proposed solution, the project feasibility, estimated beneficiaries and indicators of success. An example template can be found here
- Completed budget template with expenses listed in USD
- A curriculum vitae (CV, maximum two pages) including educational background, volunteer or work experience, and involvement with the organization from the applicant
- A letter of support from the host organization outlining how it will support the engagement of the applicant and an overview (maximum two pages) outlining the organization’s areas of work and how the proposed project fits into its current strategy
Completed applications should be emailed to [email protected] by Monday, 21 November 2022, 23:59 CET. Due to the high volume of applications we receive, only completed applications will be considered.
Selection criteria, The selection of applications will be based on the following criteria:
- Project plan: Does the concept note clearly articulate a problem statement (project need)? What are your project objectives and what activities will help you reach them? How does the project plan to measure success? The strongest applications will provide a clear snapshot of your project, including activities, expected results and outcomes while telling a clear and compelling story of why your innovation should be implemented.
- Project sustainability: Does this project leverage funds from other organizations? Is the applicant starting from scratch or have they already made progress towards the goals of this project? Has the application demonstrated that grant funds will make a catalytic difference to this project’s trajectory? Strong applications will have a specific plan for continued impact.
- Strength of youth engagement: What role do young people play in the project? The project must have a meaningful engagement component as part of its overarching objectives, which translates into at least one project activity. This means the project should work to increase political and social will and work to change policies, programmes or systems that affect young people. The most successful applications will make the case for why this intervention is important now (urgency) and point to specific policy change (focus).
- Leadership qualities of the proposed Young Leader: What are the benefits of the programme to the proposed Young Leader? How has the proposed Young Leader demonstrated leadership qualities in the host organization? The most successful applications will provide evidence outlining why the proposed Young Leader is the right person to implement the project.
- Capacity of host organization: Why you are supporting the proposed Young Leader? How will the organization support the proposed Young Leader in their work? The strongest applications will outline clear plans to mentor and logistically support the Young Leader in accordance with the eligibility criteria.
Review and outcome of applications
Once the call for applications has closed, the Youth Hub Grant Committee will review each application and score it based on how successfully the applicant has met the selection criteria. Each application will be reviewed by three people, including at least one current Young Leader and one IAS representative, and an average score will be taken across the three reviews. The top- scoring applications will then go through to the next round where they will be discussed in depth with the Youth Hub Grant Committee. Committee members will then vote for their top five applications.
Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their submission by early December.
Additional information for selected proposals
The IAS will conclude a contract with both the Young Leader and their host organization.
The Young Leader, together with the organization, will be responsible for implementing grant activities, monitoring and progress reporting.
Please kindly note all successful applicants will be required to undergo additional eligibility checks with the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). These checks can include the following:
• A completed Grant Eligibility Application (make sure that you answer all the questions, even if the information also appears in the documents you submit)
• A signed acceptance of CAF Grant Terms
• Your organization’s bank details, along with an original bank paying-in slip, cancelled cheque or bank statement
• A copy of your governing document, for example, statutes, trust deed, constitution, memorandum and articles of association, articles of incorporation, or bylaws (please provide a copy translated into English)
• Proof of your organization’s tax exemption and/or proof of registration as a charity or not-for-profit (please provide a copy translated into English)
• A description of your organization’s programmes and activities
• If the donation is for a specific project, please provide the details of the project
• Details of key controllers of your organization
For any questions or queries related to this call for submissions, please contact
[email protected].
CLICK HERE to apply for the Youth Hub Seed Grant Programme
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