How to download free IELTS study materials

Preparing for an English Proficiency test can be difficult, so we offer a variety of approved Free IELTS study materials to help you with your preparation.
You can improve your IELTS score significantly via practice. These IELTS study materials can be used to familiarize yourself with the format, questioning style, and timed test administration. You can gauge your progress by comparing your answers to the sample answers provided.
These free IELTS study materials also include questions based on the most recent exam pattern, papers from prior years for the Academic and General Training Modules, and an online free mock test to help you with your preparation. All materials are available for download in PDF format.
Before you proceed, we have a detailed guide on How to take Online practice test for IELTS, TOEFL, GMAT, SAT. This will also help you in your preparation.
Best Websites For IELTS Preparation
1. Latest Opportunities: Free Offline IELTS Study Materials
The International English Language Testing System is an international standardized test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers.
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On this page are free materials to study for your IELTS. These files are available for free access, online and also offline. Check them out.
2. IELTS Mentor: The site for both Academic and General Training
The IELTS exam is the focus of the IELTS Mentor, which also provides example questions and solutions for the General Training and Academic IELTS tests.
For each activity, there are numerous sample questions and numerous sample responses to the question (particularly for the essays), allowing you to compare various “excellent” replies to a particular question. Along with tips for each exam section, you will also find the vocabulary to study and some free IELTS study materials
3. IELTS Liz: Writing, Speaking Listening and Reading Exercises
An expert IELTS tutor from the UK named Liz founded the website She is a subject specialist for the IELTS and provides helpful activities and advice for free.
If you prefer viewing videos, she also has a channel on YouTube called IELTS Liz. All the IELTS tasks are covered in her warm and approachable video lessons (Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing).
4. IELTS Simon: Free Content To Study and Video Lessons
An ex-IELTS examiner named Simon, who currently teaches exam preparation classes in Manchester, United Kingdom, founded the website, IELTS Simon. The website offers some free IELTS study materials, fresh practice materials, and video lessons. He discusses some of the audio scripts from Cambridge IELTS 12, which is another useful tool for IELTS preparation if you like to study with a book as well.
5. IELTS Buddy: Improve your Grammar and Vocabulary!
The “Model Answers” for the Writing module are what we feel to be the most fascinating on this website (commenting on a graph and writing an essay). In fact, the sample responses show you how to structure your answer’s thoughts, how to respond to the question, and what terminology to use.
Additionally, IELTS Buddy provides a ton of downloadable example problems, grammar and vocabulary lessons that concentrate on particular exam-relevant subjects, as well as some pointers and tactics for scoring higher.
6. GlobalExam: The Best Online IELTS Training Solution
Online resource GlobalExam offers more than just a few pointers and practice tests; in contrast to other websites, it also offers prompt correction along with an explanation. IELTS instructors create and frequently update all the content.
With the help of the timer on GlobalExam, you can complete a full mock test under exam-like circumstances and receive feedback at the conclusion of the test. Your results are instantly recorded, allowing you to review your progress at a later time and fill in any gaps with the grammar and vocabulary study materials. Another feature is the ability to make a “training schedule,” which can help you plan your time to study for the IELTS test by providing you with a plan to follow and some free IELTS study materials.