MTN’s Global Graduate Development Program For Africans 2025

MTN’s Global Graduate Development Programme seeks to source, develop, and accelerate top graduates from across MTN’s footprint in Africa and the Middle East.

The programme offers a privileged experience that fast-tracks talented individuals into critical roles at MTN. The MTN Graduate Development Programme combines both formal development through the MTN Academy, as well as on-the-job development through full employment and placement into a strategically aligned role. The formal component includes modules at MTN’s 3 regional learning centres, located in Southern, Northern and Western Africa.

These will include blended learning experiences such as metaphoric immersive experiences, multiple digital and media channels, and connections to social media platforms. On-the-job development will take place locally where graduates are employed in MTN’s operating companies, and through job rotation. This will include in-role experience, varied interactions with the executive committees, mentoring, and coaching. The MTN Graduate Development Programme offers top graduates bespoke development and significant employment experience in a company that has and continues to shape this continent.

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Program Summary

For in
Host Country Africa
Deadline November 13, 2024
Key Benefit(s) See Details ⤵
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Eligibility Criteria for MTN’s Global Graduate Development Program 2025

  • Profile requirements: < 27 yrs old
  • Work rights: Qualification or study programme requirements 65 %
  • Bachelor’s Degree, 30 Mar 2025, 15 Disciplines
  • Experience requirements: Full-time work, 25 months


  • Community Development
  • International Exchange/Secondment Opportunity
  • Mentorship
  • Structured personal development
  • Structured training

How to Apply

Click here to begin your application for MTN’s Global Graduate Development Program For Africans 2025.

Deadline: November 13, 2024 

MTN’s Global Graduate Development Program For Africans 2025

Visit the Official Page at to get more info.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is this opportunity verified?

We try out best to verify opportunities, but you are required to do your due diligence before applying or releasing your info where requested. Please do not pay or release sensitive financial details to any organizer/recruiter unless verified by you.

Who is eligible to apply?

Eligibility varies depending on the opportunity. Some may be open to students, while others may be open to professionals, entrepreneurs, or individuals from specific regions or backgrounds. Check our summary table and also use the official link for information on the eligibility.

How do I apply for this opportunity

Application instructions are included with links to the application pages. Please follow the instructions carefully, and contact the opportunity provider directly if you have questions.

Can you help me with my application or provide more information?

We are happy to help with general questions, but for specific opportunity details or application assistance, please contact the opportunity provider directly.

Is this opportunities free to apply?

Most opportunities listed are free to apply, but some may require a fee or have specific requirements. Always review the opportunity details carefully before applying.

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