Study in France: MIAI@Grenoble Alpes Masters Research Scholarships in Grenoble 2022/2023

MIAI@Grenoble Alpes is offering a scholarship program related to Artificial Intelligence to attract exceptional candidates in the second year of one of University Grenoble Alpes Master’s.
The successful candidates are supposed to register for one of the above Master programs at Université Grenoble Alpes.
All excellent students are eligible to apply. MIAI@Grenoble Alpes will distribute 10 grants for each academic year.
Available Subjects:
The following subjects are available to study under this scholarship program.
- All Subjects
- Engineering
Requirements and Eligibility Criteria:
- The successful candidates are expected to register for one of the above Master 2 programs listed below at Université Grenoble Alpes.
- All excellent students (candidates for master or engineer diploma) are invited to apply. MIAI@Grenoble Alpes will allocate 10 grants for each academic year.
- Candidates must have successfully completed the first year of a master’s degree course or an equivalent qualification recognized by UGA.
Eligible Nationalities:
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- All Nationalities
Scholarship Benefits:
- This grant of 8000€ is offered to cover the academic year from September 2022 to June 2023
How to Apply
Applications should be sent in a unique pdf file to: [email protected] and [email protected] before April 29th, 2022 (12:00 am) for the first selection session including:
- A letter of commitment indicating the selected Master 2 program at Université Grenoble Alpes and specifying that the student commits to working on a research topic related to MIAI research themes during her/his Master year. Students will be asked to write a report (around 30 pages) at the end of the Master year on the topic they have finally selected, the constraint being that this topic is related to Artificial Intelligence.
- A CV
- The last 2 academic years translated to French or English when appropriate.
- Master application number: before applying for the MIAI scholarship, it is necessary to apply for a master 2 of “Université Grenoble Alpes”.
A second selection session will take place in May 2022. You should send your application file to: [email protected] and [email protected] before May 20th, 2022 (12:00 am).