AWEC Program 2024 for African Female Business Owners (Cohort 7)

The African Women Entrepreneurship Cooperative (AWEC) is an innovative, 12-month leadership and business management capacity-building program that accepts 200 female entrepreneurs annually.
During the two-week application period, AWEC receives an average of more than 2,000 applications for just 200 program spots.
- Female
- African country of origin
- A for-profit business owner in operation of a minimum 2 years in any industry with at least 2 employees, full-time or part-time
- You must be the only one in your business applying
- Or aspiring entrepreneur with a business plan who has not yet launched
- Access to a reliable internet connection with sufficient bandwidth for video calls over the 12-month period
- Professional working proficiency in English
Application Tips
1. Familiarize yourself with the program you are applying for:
What does the program offer? How does this align with your goals?
How does this program align with your learning style AND your availability?
What does “success” look like in the program? How does this align with your vision for success?
2. Ensure that you meet the applicant criteria.
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3. Review the application questions as early as possible:
What do I need to answer this question?
How much time will it take me to answer each question?
4. Start early. Don’t wait till the last minute!
5. Be clear and concise:
No need to use fancy buzzwords – explain your business as though you are talking to a stranger who has no idea what you do.
6. Know your numbers.
Revenue, employees, customers, capital – what data is the application asking for? If you need to approximate, do so via informed guesses.
7. Proofread:
Did you fully answer each question?
Did you answer the question being asked?
Are there any glaring typos to correct?
Deadline: 28 January 2024